20. 3D Imaging Tasks: 3D Reconstruction

ND320 C3 L1 16.3 Common 3D Imaging Data Tasks - 3d Reconstruct


Okay, the term “reconstruction” has been mentioned quite a lot in this lesson, in various contexts. Let’s try to organize those by matching up different types of reconstructions with the purpose that they serve.



Reconstruction Type

Creating a 2D image from k-space data

Extracting a 2D image in coronal plane from an image which has been acquired in sagittal

Creating a 2D image from a sinogram

Creating a 3D volume from CT data



Reconstruction Type

Creating a 2D image from a sinogram

Creating a 2D image from k-space data

Extracting a 2D image in coronal plane from an image which has been acquired in sagittal

Creating a 3D volume from CT data


As you have seen, 3D reconstruction is creating a 3D image or from the 2D slices. As we have discussed, in computer graphics 3D images are either constructed from meshes (collections of polygons) or from voxels (pixels with coordinates in 3D space). Given how medical images are acquired (we have data about every point of 3D space that our scanner has sampled), voxel-based or volumetric reconstruction is quite often used in medical images to reconstruct 3D images.

New Vocabulary

  • 3D reconstruction: constructing a 3D model from multiple slices of 3D medical imaging data